

Become a PIM donor and empower Spirit-filled local, global, and indigenous missionaries through prayer, financial, and physical support to reach the unreached.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations , baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
-Matthew 28:19


In response to the Great Commission, Partners in Ministry's mission is to equip, encourage, and empower those who God has called to expand His Kingdom, both locally and globally.

…but we can’t do this without YOU!

PIM prayer gathering
PIM founders and directors

From our establishment, over 40 years ago, we have grown to be a reputable worldwide missionary funding organization, providing donors with proven and trustworthy means to support cross-cultural and indigenous missionaries on the field.

Watch our About Us video and learn more about our leadership team.



"Over 3.3 billion people live within unreached people groups, having never even heard the name of Jesus."
- Joshua Project

"Americans have recently spent more money buying Halloween costumes for their pets than the amount given to reach the unreached."
- Claude Hickman

“70,000+ people die every day in the unreached world without Jesus..”
- About Missions

“The Church has roughly 3,000 times the financial resources and 9,000 times the manpower needed to finish the Great Commission. If every evangelical gave 10% of their income to missions we could easily support 2 million new missionaries.”
- The Travelling Team

"Of the $53 trillion dollars that church members earn annually, less than 0.1% goes towards missions."
- The Travelling Team



Asian missionary gathering praying

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PIM supports missionaries in Asia who are training up the next generation of leaders so that they can understand the Bible and be transformed, along with their families and communities.

Oaxaca missionaries

Indigenous missionaries in Oaxaca are supported by PIM to bring the gospel to the remaining unreached tribes in Mexico.

Kids in DRC at baptism

PIM supports missionaries like Don “Love More” Foster, who is reaching the “least of these” in war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo.

Indian missionary carrying equipment

PIM supports 50 national pastors in India who are planting churches throughout the nation.

Partners in Ministry supports missionaries all over the world, from the bustling streets of India to the remote jungles of the Amazon.

Would you like to hear more about our cross-cultural and indigenous missionaries and missionary hubs? Visit Our Missionaries page to learn more about where they work and what they do.


Make a one-time or recurring donation to support our missionaries

Join us for a virtual prayer meeting or fundraising event

Invest in Endowment 24:14

Our team has made a promise that 100% of our public donations , would go directly to fund our missionaries on the field .

We currently rely on a small group of generous private donors to fund all of our administrative expenses.


  • Bob Jurecic

    “Partners in Ministry is following Our Lord Jesus Christ’s Great Commission to bring His Good News of Salvation to ALL Nations, using an indigenous peoples model that allows their missionaries to access the most remote and challenging areas and peoples in the world!”

    Bob Jurecic, PIM Advocate since 2018

  • Pastor Ken Peters

    “We are very delighted to have the privilege of partnering with PIM as they pursue the fulfillment of the Great Commission by taking the Gospel to the most unreached people groups in the world. As a church network, we have chosen PIM for our own missions giving. We also encourage our affiliate church groups to join us in supporting this wonderful ministry, which is so sacrificially dedicated to reaching those who have never heard the most wonderful news that ever came from Heaven to Earth. We highly recommend PIM to any group or individual that wants to invest in a ministry that will pay huge eternal dividends.”

    Pastor Ken Peters, Senior Pastor of Patriot Church

  • Jesse Digges

    “PIM has the effective goal of connecting the senders with the goers. We do not lack those willing to bring the gospel to the unreached, rather we lack effective partners to get behind a mighty missionary force ready to leave everything for the sake of Christ. PIM is filling this gap! They have partnered with us to mobilize dozens of indeginous African missionaries to unreached Islamic Tribes”

    Jesse Digges, Send 56